Certification Requirement
Organisations intending to seek certification to standards such as have to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria for certification specifically to each of the schemes. Details of the criteria may be obtained from PSV.
Scope Of Certification
The organisation shall clearly define the activities to be included under the scope of certification. The organisation should ensure that it does not omit important elements of its operations from the scope of certification.
Audit Criteria
In order to be certified, an organisation has to demonstrate that the relevant management system is functioning and the various control mechanisms are properly implemented. In practice, this means in particular that:
a. The management system has been operational for a sufficient period of time to be able to demonstrate adequately the effective implementation of the entire system.
b. The Internal Audit and Management Review have been conducted before the Stage 1 audit. For multiple site organisations, the internal audit shall cover all sites to be included in the certificate.
Information On Certificate Made Available to the Public
Upon certification, the organisation’s name, address, contact details and scope of certification will be published on the PSV or related website. Any change in the status of the certification, e.g. suspension or withdrawal of certificate will also be published in the website.
Changes to the Information In the Certificate
The organisation may seek to make changes to details in the certificate. This may include name of organisation, change of address or scope of certification. Request for such changes shall be made in writing.
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